Me, me, me

Hmmm, what to say…. Ok well I started this blog because I was fed up with talking to myself and because I thought it might be fun and also because I think I’m a little funny….and even if I’m not it’s cheaper than therapy right?!

So bit of background, I’m from the West Country originally, Somerset to be precise…although if you want the proper pronunciation it’s ‘Zomerzzzzet’ – an area that’s famous for beautiful starling flocks, cheddar cheese, cider and the Worzels, with their top hit “I’ve got a brand new combine harvester….” A true pop classic.

I now live and work in London town and have done for many years, although I day dream about returning to the West Country to make babies, bake cakes and run a stall at the country fair…..but I can’t really cook and I’m pretty sure I’d be bored in about 10mins so maybe not….

Recently I’ve been chatting a lot about my new, not so very nice friend, the C-Monkey. This little C-Monkey represents Cancer. Quite simply he came in to my life one very normal day, saw my lovely boobs (Lefty in particular) and thought “nope, just too perfect, they need a little Cancer in their life” – and that was it. So here I am, having a daily and nightly battle with C-Monkey, taking on his incessant ramblings and generally wishing I could take a large frying pan to his annoying face just to shut him up and get some sleep. For the most part, despite his efforts, I’m battling the bastard all the way. Mastectomy done, reconstruction plans are a go and the decoration part (don’t ask!) should be done soon.

So that’s it really, this is nothing more than the ramblings of a girl with some stuff in her head and a C-Monkey for company. Enjoy.

Ah lovely Lefty in the good old days –     Damm you C-Monkey!

Oh and I should just say that I can’t do short entries, I know I should and that’s the point of these blogs but I just can’t. I’m a talker, things can’t be summed up in a limited word count, nope, sorry not me. I will just keep going, on and on and on… feel free to log off at any time, pop to the loo, make a brew….I won’t judge you and you probably won’t be missed much anyway ;0)

7 Responses to “Me, me, me”

  1. Laura smith June 27, 2012 at 7:55 pm #

    Hi there

    I got your message you left on my blog and have now read yours, it’s the mutual blog reading club.

    Anyway I wanted to say hi and I’m here if you want to email talk or talk.

    Well done you for getting diagnosed and being brave. You’ll surprise yourself how brave you can be, I certainly did.

    Anyway I’ll keep reading, Laura x

    Email: smithlaura81 AT

  2. david August 16, 2012 at 12:54 pm #

    Hi forgive me but I am a man (checks in his trousers for name ha) and I read about you in the Daily Mail. You are a wonderful woman who tickled me with the way you gave lefty a mind of his own. You are a wonderful lovely woman who I just want to say will be helpful to many others and lefty well he will always be a part of you and never forget righty needs you too. You are lovely inside and out and any half decent man would give his lefty arm to love you as your warmthy and spirit is… wonderful. I will follow your blog and be with you every step of the way as a distance follower.

    Please never loose that wonderful smile on life.

    Regards & hugs

  3. laurapricey August 16, 2012 at 1:43 pm #

    Hi there! I just read your article in the Daily Mail and immediately wanted to get in touch. I am so happy you chose to have a farewell boob party and have taken your cancer in the best possible way, but I also know behind the laughter there are so many depressing and scary moments that you often feel nobody else will understand.

    My name is Laura, I’m 30 and was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 29 in June. Fortunately, I didn’t have to have a mastectomy like you, but did have a wide local excision, also in my leftie, and am currently undergoing chemo and waiting for my hair to fall out. I’m having to face difficult issues such as the possibility of losing my fertility and the inability to freeze eggs before I started chemo because my cancer is oestrogen-receptor positive. However, like you, I’ve also tried to take it in the most lighthearted and positive way possible and am trying to use the cancer as a vehicle for change in my life. Things can only get better, right? I’d love for you to read my blog if you get chance and aren’t too busy fielding all the fanmail!

    Best of luck and best wishes to you!
    Laura xx laurapricey at yahoo. co. uk

  4. newgirlbigsmoke August 16, 2012 at 2:36 pm #

    Always lovely to hear about another West-Country-er living in the Big Smoke.

    Oo ar, and all that.

    Wiltshire lass x

  5. Sam August 18, 2012 at 8:54 pm #

    Hi Jodie,

    I hope you are feeling ok? My dad gave me your Daily Mail article today as I too was diagnosed with breast cancer on 19th June – the very same day as you! I had a mastectomy on my leftie on 4th July and I am currently being pumped! Yep it sucks!

    I am 36 and work in Public Relations.

    Would love to chat with you?


  6. Chrissie August 21, 2012 at 2:59 pm #

    Enjoyed your article and the comments. Like you I had a mastectomy, although in my case it was due to DCIS. I was told I was precancerous but that the operation was the best option and at 53, with three children, I guess I didn’t feel confident enough to take any chances.

    I have been ‘pumped’ to the right size and am now waiting for my implant operation, which will be great as this inflation port attached to my ribcage is a real pain in the proverbial.

    I was really moved to read what you had to say about the guilt you feel. I fully understand that. Everyone tells me how brave I have been (that’s just family and close friends, as I have hardly told anyone) but I don’t feel brave. And when I do feel a bit down, I can see it affects them all so I try to bottle up how I feel.

    I know I’m lucky that it wasn’t cancer and that I don’t need follow-up treatment as my lymph glands were clear, but I don’t feel lucky. I went for a routine mammogram – my first ever – was called back, had a biopsy that day and three days later told I needed a mastectomy. That doesn’t feel lucky.

    Buit it’s great to know other women are going through similar feelings, so keep up the good work.

  7. Ed February 22, 2013 at 4:59 pm #

    I found you very pretty (your photo)with a good sense of humour. I can not pray c monkey to disappear ( i wish i could)but I pray to become very easy for you. Things will get better. Promise. Ed

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